Jijo Das: an artist with Down Syndrome - Art of My Optimus

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The purpose of this blog

“As special needs parents we don't have the power to make life “fair,” but we do have the power to make life joyful.” 

And, exactly on that note make your child happy by making yourself happy with the feeling that the child in her capacity, will astonish you with achievements to fill your life to a brim of happiness!  This blog aims to help look for the moments in your child to plan and work towards the goal.

Everyone needs a chance – a chance to prove themselves – a chance to be productive in society – a chance to be a part of society – to showcase their talents - their love – their empathy. It is also from this that the requirement of a blog came up.

With the arrival of the bundle of joy came plenty of challenges. The challenge to accept the reality, the challenge to face the family, the relatives, the world and the billion-dollar question was - how to face!

Jijo is my second son. I knew what all I had to do when a baby is born and promised myself never to repeat the mistakes I did with my first one. But with Jijo’s arrival, scenario changed. My heart sank when the doctor announced the difficult-to-understand phrase ‘Trisomy 21’. It seemed strange and distant but Jijo’s face was so serene and beautiful that he made me forget the jargon.

As I look back today I am in awe how I managed the show though I stumbled many, many times – looked for answers, spoke to people concerned, went to doctors who mattered, And thus I felt the need to write the blog and share with parents my moments of despair and anguish and at the same time the strength and tenacity that I derived from my little bundle of joy.

Appreciate every small achievement and see the brightness on your child’s face. I believe in the silver lining of the clouds. I rejoiced at every sound he made. He seemed to understand everything that I said.  Every time I looked at my son, I knew he has something unique – something different from my elder son. And the journey began.

This blog will look into ways Jijo has been brought up, the strategies which helped me and Jijo overcome his challenges and celebrate milestones. Today there is so much that new parents can learn from and sharing my experiences will add to their kitty of knowledge like it did mine from people who mattered.

Journey begins with family. I had retained my Benjamin Spock and read several times over about Down Syndrome babies. Technology has slowly stepped in and internet provided the necessary articles and resources that I devoured.  Each one of us had to learn to understand what Down Syndrome is and what all they can do. And mark my words they too fight a great battle with you!

Hopefully this blog helps you find more confidence in nurturing your superhero! Do share your views and stories in the comments below. I would love to learn from you too!

-Moushumi Das (Jijo’s mother)