Jijo Das: an artist with Down Syndrome - Art of My Optimus

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ENABLE MAGAZINE: Jijo’s Positive Goals in 2021

“Don’t Worry, everything will be fine"

That whatever happens in the world around you, keep your chin up and smile and say ‘Don’t Worry, everything will be fine’. This positive vibe radiates from the time that I have Jijo with me. Situations change, years change, times change and 2020 was a year of change for all of us.

So, when Enable Magazine sent us a mail requesting Jijo to share his positive goals for 2021 in their January-February issue this year, it was yet another milestone achieved by him. 

Lots have been said about 2020 being a difficult year.

Perhaps it was. But as a family we have worked towards creating opportunities within the given situation to help Jijo overcome challenges and setbacks. I sat with him and asked how he wants to see the world next year. We struggled to make him understand what is a goal.

An analogy with a Disney film - Moana, helped! Prompt came replies on what he wants Enable Magazine to know so that the entire world gets into a happy-happy mode! But he understood that it means working towards it.


"I will always be happy and spread happiness! All my family and friends will always be smiling!"   

In the online life skill classes with his school Spastics Society of Karnataka (SSK), his teacher Mr. Santosh Padmanabhan of Runner’s High, began with understanding emotions. Jijo related with happiness and excitement and absolutely discarded the other ones. In their one-to-one discussion it was indeed interesting to see how he vehemently denied any emotions that dealt with sadness, anger or being grumpy! Given a variety of situations he chose to come out of them and showed how easy it is to be happy. Not that he is never sad or upset but he bounces back in his happiness mode. 


"I will get full fit and stay healthy, then I can do photography projects. I will become full flexible!"

When regular routine fell apart during pandemic, Jijo also fell out of his regular schedule. Discipline became an issue. Exercise even bigger an issue. And photography is one thing he loves to indulge in. Jijo’s favourite weekend hangout - BigRock Dirtpark invited him for a photography project on the condition that he needs to be physically fit to do the job. And Nelly, the chief instructor there, would need videos of him working out and dancing to know if he’s putting in the work. So, I grabbed this opportunity to initiate regular fitness schedule with SSK also which helped Jijo wake up early, take a photo of sunrise and fall back into discipline! Oh, the magic of inclusion!


"I research more about Disney and Marvel and experiment with new ideas! I am sure I will be an illustrator in Disney one day"

Watching the making of Disney Movies is his favourite pastime! He goes deep into research by taking screenshots and organising them in his visual library, while also searching for the work of concept artists who are the creators of his favourite worlds. #DrawWithDisneyAnimation in Instagram during the pandemic was the icing on the cup for Jijo! He completed every sketch, till he got it right. You can see a few best ones on his Instagram.


"I will explore colours and do a lot of acrylic painting, photoshop paintings, water colour, sketch new-new things, and practice voice-overs also!"

Jijo explored variety of mediums during this year! He is super inquisitive and we came out with ideas to introduce him to different teachers with various methods to help him learn certain new skills. He seemed to be on a mission to paint canvas after canvas in new ways! Sometimes, he was asked to leave his brushes and pencils to use his imagination and make short films with his favourite action figures/scale models. This is where he indulged in voiceover techniques and felt like he was getting closer to his dreams! The process was not easy and I saw the struggle, but his determination to learn new methods was inspiring to all of us. My belief in him helped him to believe in himself. 

We are extremely grateful to Enable Magazine to get back to Jijo for these positive goals in 2021 after they featured him in their 2020 March-April issue.

I am proud of my young gun and my constant learning from him to remain positive and help people around to make their lives meaningful. 

You can get a piece of this positive energy by getting your hands on his first three products:

- Moushumi Das (Jijo’s mother)